Blog | | by Laura

Behind the scenes: Meet our former intern Laura

Laura intern

Behind the scenes: Meet our former intern Laura

A glimpse behind the curtain: Laura shares insights into her experiences as an intern at Optimate

Optimate is an ambitious start-up located in the heart of Stuttgart with flat hierachies, strong characters and real personal stories to tell.

With a vision to shape the future of design, Optimate challenges the status-quo each and every day and claims teamwork to be alpha and omega.

In this blog post series, we take a glimpse behind the curtain and focus on the passionate minds of Optimate who make everything happen. Getting insights into job expectations, daily business as well as current challenges and success stories – let’s get started with Laura Mueller!

Laura (22) is one of a kind and completed her cooperative study program at TRUMPF, majoring in Mechanical Engineering (B. En.). She enjoys reading, cooking and loves traveling. Her favorite travel location so far: Vietnam. From March to May 2021, she joined our team as an intern, supporting in the areas of Part Design, Software Development and Marketing.


Why did you apply for the internship & what did you expect?

Imagine working for a start-up, I immediately think of dealing with forward-thinking topics and innovative technologies. Also, you can quickly take on responsibility and make a difference – that’s at least what is said about start-ups and I wanted to experience this myself.

When I entered the companies‘ office at STEYG at the beginning of March, I was very excited what’s to come next in the upcoming three months: Wondering which tasks I am going to manage and how work and a start-up’s spirit will be like. Can I also imagine this for my future career?

Spoiler alert: The nervousness was completely unjustified and all expectations that I had were exceeded!


How did you get started at Optimate and what did you enjoy the most?

After Martina, Jonas & Max gave me an introduction in various topics making my head spin, such as potentials, algorithms, machine learning models and key results, I could get started with my tasks.

What I appreciated the most was to be given the feeling that my opinion really counts and is valued at any time, even as an absolute newcomer to the company. One day is not like the other and I have never faced common internship experiences, such as fetching coffee or performing typical intern tasks, that the others don't feel like doing.


Which tasks were related to your studies and for which ones you had to leave your comfort zone?

I could bring in my expertise knowledge having gained during my bachelor studies regarding part design in order to test our service. In this course, I have really enjoyed designing the variety of parts and assemblies by being flexible and constructive on the one hand side and getting first insights into auto-testing on the other hand side. My professor for computer science at university would have been very impressed, for sure! 😊 Being a passionate engineer, it was pretty hard for me to design wrong parts: sharp-edged bends, crossing bending lines and overlapping unwindings. However, checking if our software detects faulty design would not have been possible without these parts.

I was a complete newcomer in Software Development and Marketing related topics. It was quite challenging to learn the ropes, but it was fun! Bearing in mind full screens of mystical codes, I was asked to think about a new concept for our app landing page. Despite my lack of knowledge, my colleagues gave me support and I was thrilled when everything worked out I had programmed previously. Also, I created a video clip for a virtual fair by using different tools and tutorials. Learning by doing as well as receiving constructive feedback turned out to be very successful.


How would you sum up your time at Optimate?

To sum up, I am looking back on three very challenging, eventful and enjoyable months that have benefitted both my professional and personal development. From the launch of the new homepage to the first paying customer and the further development of the services, I was able to experience and shape many milestones and successes at first hand. I will especially remember the open and appreciative way of dealing with people, the table tennis sessions and gaming nights. The endless motivation of the passionate team behind the brand Optimate impressed and infected me significantly.


Thank you for the interview, your support & for always being in a good mood, dear Laura!


Are you keen to get insights into various business topics and to leave your comfort zone? When you want to become our next intern, contact us via! We are looking forward to your application.

Written by

Julia Kleindienst

Marketing & Sales Specialist

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