Blog | | by Julia

Optimate celebrates its first anniversary

One year anniversary

Happy Birthday, Optimate!

It's hard to realize that it's already been a year since we started Optimate. This one year has gone by so fast and so much has happened that I really need to take a step back and review it.

It all started with the internal program at TRUMPF, called ‘Internehmertum’. My colleague Jonas and I applied for it and were lucky enough to be selected to continue working further on the idea. After three months of hard work, a lot of trial and error and juggling our actual work with the Internehmertum, we finally made it!

We founded Optimate as an independent company.

Since then, everything happened very quickly. We brought Max into our founding team to cover all the important areas of our company: software, business administration and mechanical engineering. Shortly after, we moved into our office in the start-up hub STEYG near the train station in Stuttgart city center. So far, so good.

Product and company development

We spent the following months mainly on our product development and evaluation. With Motius, whom we had met during our Internehmetum time, we found a suitable development partner to build the machine learning model responsible for our potential recognition. But what is a product without brand awareness and advertisement? The solution was to hire our very valued colleague Julia, who immediately took care of all marketing topics after onboarding. Since our digital business model entails a very software-heavy product development, we quickly realized that we needed more support for Max as well! In the end, we are very happy that Hans and André joined us, and we were able to maintain our development speed.

At Optimate, we all share the same vision:

The future of design!

Building a business is challenging and not always as easy as it seems. But we are convinced that our service helps our customers saving time and money – anytime and anywhere. I am looking forward to the upcoming years, to new employees who will accompany us on our way, and to new customers and partners with whom we will build the Optimate brand!

Many thanks to our great team, our customers and our partners who are already with us on our journey!

Written by

Julia Kleindienst

Marketing & Sales Specialist

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We'll click our way through it together.
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Jonas Steiling
CEO & Co-Founder


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